Seeking for a platform to utilize my skills and abilities in an environment that offers professional growth while being resourceful, creative, and flexible. OCCUPATIONAL FIELD ❖ Ayurveda Doctor ❖ Integrative Medicine Specialist ❖ Holistic Health Coach ❖ Yoga Teacher ❖ Individual Yoga Trainer ❖ Lifestyle Coach ❖ Personal Development Trainer ❖ Lecturer ❖ Wellness Consultant ❖ Cognitive Behavioural therapy Practitioner (CBT) ❖ Yoga Therapist ❖ Meditation coach ❖ Integrative psychology practitioner
• CBT PRACTITIONER CERTIFICATE Name of the certificate awarded : CBT Practitioner Certificate Year of award : 2020 Institution : The Academy of Modern and Applied Psychology, Scotland. • MASTER’S DEGREE PROGRAM/POST GRADUATION PROGRAM Name of the degree pursuing : MSc Applied psychology. Year of award : On going 2021(Distance education) University : Annamalai University, Tamilnadu, India. Name of the degree awarded : MSc in yoga science (Master of science in yoga)