Founder, Owner, and Medical Director of the Sophia Health Institute (SHI) in Woodinville, Washington, and the Founder, Owner, and Chair of the Institute of Neurobiology Klinghardt (INK) in Glotteral, Germany.
Short Bio:
Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, PhD, is a world renowned medical physician internationally recognized for his biological medicine approaches and successful treatment of neurological and chronic illness, chronic pain, Autism, Lyme disease, and techniques to combining non-surgical orthopaedic medicine with immunology, endocrinology, toxicology and neural therapy. He is the founder, owner and Medical Director of the Sophia Health Institute (SHI), in Woodinville, Washington, as well as founder, owner and chair of the Institute of Neurobiology Klinghardt (INK) in Glotteral, Germany.