Dr. FRANCISCO JAVIER HIDALGO TALLÓN | 6th International Congress of Integrative Medicine


Medical doctor and dentist expert in anesthesiology and pain therapy; Director of the Chair of Ozone Therapy and Chronic Pain at UCAM

Short Bio:

Dr. Hidalgo Tallón has a degree in medicine (University of Granada), degree in dentistry (University of Granada), specialist in stomatology (Complutense University of Madrid), doctor of medicine (University of Granada). Postgraduate stay in implantology and periodontics at the New York College of Dentistry, at the Department of Orofacial Pain at the University of Kentucky and at the Ozone Therapy Research Center in Havana. Master in implantology, oral rehabilitation and biomaterials (University Paris XV). University expert in anti-aging medicine (University of Seville), university expert in musculoskeletal ultrasound (International University of La Rioja, university expert in anesthesiology and pain therapy (University CEU Cardenal Herrera).

Teaching collaborator, in subjects mainly related to pain medicine, at the universities of Granada, Basque Country, CEU San Pablo, Complutense de Madrid, Juan Carlos I, Alcalá de Henares, Miguel Hernández, Valencia, Seville, Cádiz and Paul Sabatier (Toulouse III). Associate researcher at the Institute of Neurosciences of the University of Granada and co-author of 28 articles in scientific journals. Co-director of two doctoral theses. Author of 4 book chapters. President of the XXIX national congress of the Spanish society of craniomandibular dysfunction and orofacial pain. President of the VII National Congress of the Spanish Society of Ozone Therapy. Lecturer in more than 100 presentations at national and international congresses. Currently working as director of two private pain units (Clinalgia). Member, since its foundation, of the Research Group on Headaches, Fibromyalgia and Psychotropics of the Junta de Andalucia. Professor responsible for clinical practices in the Master of Neurosciences and Pain at the University of Granada. Director of the Chair Company/University of ozone therapy and chronic pain of the University San Antonio of Murcia.