Dr. Francisco Javier Muñoz | 6th International Congress of Integrative Medicine

Dr. Francisco Javier Muñoz

Responsible for the Immunology Unit of the Torrecárdenas Hospital in Almería (Spain). Founder and partner of the PNI Almeria Center since 2023. Soon, Medical Coordinator of the Luunt Clinic in Madrid (Spain), specialized in Environmental Medicine.

Short Bio:


Degree in Medicine from the University of Granada (1985) and Doctor of Medicine from the University of Granada (1992). Specialist in Immunology via MIR (1987-1991). University Expert in Acupuncture by the University of Granada (1990-1992). Expert in Epidemiology and Clinical Research. Andalusian School of Public Health-University of Granada (2000-2001). Master in Bioethics by the Faculty of Theology of Granada (2010-2011). Degree in Immuno-Oncology from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Navarra (2016). Master in Psychoneuroimmunology by PNI Europe-Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca (2019-2022). Licensed Practitioner and Master Practitioner NLP by Isora Neuroscience (2021-2022). 2 courses (more than 150 hours each) on environmental medicine (CONFESQ and Acadèmia de Ciències Mèdiques de Catalunya i les Illes Balears).


Professor in the Master of Health Sciences Research at the University of Almeria since 2015. Professor in the Master of Health Coaching of Isora Neuroscience/Catholic University of Avila since 2021. Professor in the PNI Master of PNI Europe since 2024.

Collaborator in multiple courses on Immunology, Biotechnology, Research Methodology, Statistics, and Bioethics. Participation in several media outreach programs and conferences in associations.


Currently responsible for the Immunology Unit of the Torrecárdenas Hospital in Almería (Spain). Founder and partner of the PNI Almeria Center since 2023. Soon, Medical Coordinator of the Luunt Clinic in Madrid (Spain), specialized in Environmental Medicine.


Publications: 12 international, 43 national, 5 book chapters.

Presentations: 13 presentations at national congresses.

Communications to congresses: 5 regional, 25 national and 3 international.

Supervised thesis:

Collaborating researcher in 5 projects financed by the Regional Ministry of Health.

Member of several Hospital Research Committees