Dr. Itziar Alamo | 6th International Congress of Integrative Medicine

Dr. Itziar Alamo


Short Bio:

PNIE Nutritionist – Environmental Nutrition
Xevi Verdaguer Clinic – Alborada Foundation – Madrid
Sept. 2020 – Present

I elaborate nutrition plans for patients with autoimmune pathologies and hormonal and digestive disorders.
hormonal and digestive disorders.

  • I carry out diagnostic studies and treatment guidelines for digestive pathologies through MICROBIOTHERAPY.
    through intestinal MICROBIOTICS.

  • I monitor the nutrition of patients with chemical sensitivities.

  • I work as a team with physicians specialized in the following areas: digestive-
    hormonal – environmental toxics.
    Blue Healthcare Clinic
    Sept. 2019 – Sept. 2020

  • Elaboration of food plans for digestive pathologies.

  • Nutritional accompaniment of patients with multiple chemical sensitivity.

  • Coordinator of organic and anti-inflammatory menus with the kitchen service.
    Nutrition Area Coordinator
    Integralis Clinic – Argentina (Córdoba)
    Sept. 2010 – Sept. 2020

  • Follow-up of oncology patients’ diets.

  • Elaboration of nutritional recommendations for patients undergoing serotherapy.

  • Appointment management and follow-up of patients attended by the nutritionists of the team.
    of the team.

  • Refresher courses in areas of integrative nutrition.