Short Bio:
Juan Serrano Gandía (Puerto de Sagunto, 1966), graduated in Biological Sciences, specialized in
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from the University of Valencia. Biologist Analyst at the
Valencian Institute of Oncology (IVO), specializing in tumor markers and hormones (1989-1994).
Technical-Executive Manager of Projects in Intersa Labs (1997-present)
Author of the books, Cáncer un enfoque bio-lógico (2012) and Poder anticancer (2016)
Founding member of the Spanish Society of Health and Integrative Medicine (SESMI), where I
am currently a Vice Presidente. Numerary member-founder of the Spanish Society of
Phytotherapy (SEFIT) External advisor of the University Hospital la Fe in Valencia on topics of
natural radiation protection, nutrition and cancer.
Member of the Scientific Committee of the SESMI Congress of Integrative Medicine (2018-2024)
and 12th
-16th Congress Of Integrative Medicine.
Teacher of the Master of Integrative Supplementation with Scientific Evidence (ESI, 2017-2024),
Master of Integrative Oncology (Onmints, 2.017) and of an upcoming Master of Integrative
Medicine with Tech (2019)
Co-director of the book ONCOLOGÍA INTEGRATIVA: Manual Básico y Clínico (Panamericana)