Acupuncturist and Floral Therapist – Renovo Clinic. Japanese Acupuncture and Bach Flower Therapy – Brasília, DF 2023/current
Bach Flower Social Clinic – Movimento Orgulho Autista Brasil (MOAB) in partnership with Aliança Verde – Instituto de Pesquisas Científicas das Plantas, Brasília, DF -2018/2020
Acupuncturist – Clínica Cura Acupuntura. Japanese Acupuncture with and without needles, Moxibustion, Electroacupuncture, Auriculopuncture and Wind Therapy – Brasília, DF 2014/2020
Instructor for the International Bach Flower Training Program (BIEP Brasil) – Official trainer for Levels 1, 2 and 3 in Brazil, In-Person and Online, Nelsons and The Bach Centre, England – 1998/current
Trainer for the International Bach Practitioners Training Program Portugal – Official instructor for Levels 1, 2 and 3 in Portugal, In-Person and Online, Bach Foundation, England – 2020/current
Social Acupuncture Clinic – Educandário Eurípedes Barnulfo. Voluntary, free and open to the community. Acupuncture and Bach Flowers. Coordination: Prof. Esp. Antônio Carlos Azevedo Caetano -Sobradinho, DF 2013/2015
Supervised internship at Espaço Shinkyu Terapias Orientais e Naturais, with Prof. Esp. Yoshihiro Odo – São Paulo, SP March/2015
Supervised internship at the Clinic of Medicine, Acupuncture and Psychology – CLIMAP, with Prof. Esp. Henrique Afonso Oliveira Souza Neto – Brasília, DF 2013/2014