Dra. Ivana Caetano Wildner | 6th International Congress of Integrative Medicine

Dra. Ivana Caetano Wildner


Short Bio

Dentist since 2002: Pediatric Dentistry, Pregnant Women and Babies, Orthodontics, Occlusion and Functional Jaw Orthopedics, and Normalization of Breathing using the Buteyko method. Founder of Instituto Respirar – center for studies and training in functional and respiratory air and president of the Functional Journeys Coordinator of the Functional department of the GSD dental Group Clinic Portugal and Medical Concept Azores Researcher in international and national groups Member of IFUNA (International Function Association) , ERS (European Respiratory Society), Tongue Tie Academy and Institute of Functional Medicine. She is the author and co-author of several scientific works at national and international congresses. Translator of the Breathing Manual ADENOIDES WITHOUT SURGERY – Breathing Normalization Manual. BREATHING NORMALIZATION SPECIALIST Certificate Trainer of Trainers Certificate. Trainer in integrated courses and Congress.