Prof. Dr. Mónica Reiko Okuhara | 6th International Congress of Integrative Medicine

Prof. Dr. Mónica Reiko Okuhara

Dental doctor, Orthodontist Behavioral Medicine UNIFESP and GEHO Coordinator.

Short Bio:

Graduated in Dentistry from the University of São Paulo (1991), Master’s Degree (2021) and currently a PhD student in Evidence-Based Health (UNIFESP)

Associate Collaborator of the Cochrane Center in Brazil, Member of the Technical Chamber of Hypnosis at CROSP.

Associate of the Cochrane Center of Brazil, Member of the Thematic Committee of Evidence-Based Dentistry of CROSP, Member of the Technical Chamber of Hypnosis of CROSP.

Specialization in Orthodontics, Cruzeiro do Sul University (2008)

Specialization in Behavioral Medicine, Federal University of São Paulo (2016),

Qualified in laser therapy. She is currently a Research Assistant at SOSBE – Oral and Systemic Health and Women’s Health Service – Department of Dermatology, Paulista School of Medicine (UNIFESP).
Paulista School of Medicine (UNIFESP).

Coordinator of the Hypnosis in Dentistry Study Group (GEHO/SOSBE).