Prof. Dr. Moshe Frenkel | 6th International Congress of Integrative Medicine

Prof. Dr. Moshe Frenkel

Clinical Associate Professor at the University of Texas and Founder of the Integrative Medicine Clinic

Short Bio

Dr. Moshe Frenkel is a clinical associate professor at the University of Texas and founder of the Integrative Medicine Clinic, at The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston Texas where he served as a full faculty Associate Professor of Integrative Medicine until he returned to Israel in 2010. Dr. Frenkel is Board certified in Family Practice, earned his medical degree from Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Israel and completed his family practice training in a residency affiliated with Stony Brook University  in New York.  Prior to joining M.D. Anderson Cancer Center he was serving as a full faculty in University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston and served as a key contributor to an NIH grant on integrating Complementary and Integrative Medicine (CIM) into the medical school curriculum, as well as providing CIM consultations to patients and families.

Up to 2014 Dr Frenkel was chairing the clinical practice committee of The Society of Integrative Oncology and was acting as the chair of The Israeli Society of Complementary Medicine (A section of The Israel Medical Association) until 2016.

In 2011 Dr Frenkel founded the integrative oncology service in the Oncology Institute in Meir Medical Center in Israel.  Since 2019 Dr Frenkel moved to be the medical director of the Complementary and Integrative Medicine Service in RAMBAM Medical Center Oncology Department, a comprehensive oncology center and the largest in Northern Israel.