Tomas Pfeiffer | 6th International Congress of Integrative Medicine

Tomas Pfeiffer

Main Representative of Biotronics and Director of the Professional Chamber Sanator - Union of Biotronicists of Josef Zezulka, responsible for training biotronicists and maintaining professional standards in the field and Director of the Institute for TCIM/CAM.

Short Bio:

Tomas Pfeiffer is a longtime practitioner in the field of Traditional, Complementary, and Integrative Medicine (TCIM). In 1999, he established Foundation Bytí through which he builds and runs the house of Biotronic Centre for Social Support focusing on health prevention. It is also the seat of the Spiritual University Bytí established in 1994. Petition in support of Biotronics received over 40,000 petitioners and was successfully discussed by Petition Committee of the Parliament of the Czech Republic.

He is the main representative of Biotronics, the founder and director of the Professional Chamber Sanator – the Union of Biotronicists of Josef Zezulka, which is in charge of training of the students of this discipline and guarantees the professional standard. The Chamber is a member of major TCIM associations and other healthcare organizations, such as EUAA, ANME, EU Health Policy Platform for Public Health of the European Commission, ISCMR, RCCM, BSIO, SIO, SPMI, and Ayush Valley Foundation.

Tomas Pfeiffer is the director of the Institute for TCIM/CAM whose goal is to develop mutual cooperation between medical disciplines and TCIM/CAM disciplines and create conditions for strengthening of the position of TCIM/CAM. The Institute for TCIM/CAM is currently organizing the 4th World Health Congress 2025 Prague and it has also recently created the Platform 2020 Prague. These projects aim to enable dialogue and mutual cooperation among TCIM and other healthcare branches. Tomas Pfeiffer, as a chair of the Organizing Committee, repeatedly received (2020, 2023) grant of the Capital City of Prague for organization of this Congress.

In the 1990s, he was a member in the Committee for TCIM under the Minister of Health of the Czech Republic. Currently he is working in a similar professional group at the Ministry of Health. He also works on projects of active protection of the UNESCO world cultural heritage.