Workshop program | 6th International Congress of Integrative Medicine

1 de dezembro > Sexta-feira

9h30-11h00Dr. Siddharta Popat (Patrocinador Platina: Herrmann)New strategies in Integrative Medicine using OHT: practical part with "hands-on"+
11h00-12h00Dr. Philip Kielman (Patrocinador: Nutramedix)Lyme Disease+
14h00-15h00Dr.Charles Cuprill (Patrocinador: IAOMT)Protocolo SMART (Safe Amalgam Removal Technique): How to protect ourselves, our team, and our patients best during Mercury removal
15h00-16h00Dra. Ivana WildnerOrtodontia Miofuncional
16h00-17h00 Dr. Raymon Pahlplatz (Patrocinador: VitacellMedical)Application of intravenous laser therapy in chronic disease
17h00-18h00Dr. Javier Hidalgo TallónOzonoterpia en el tratamiento del dolor complejo
18h00-19h00Dra. Ana Carolina Tralli Terapia Neural - Dor ATM e Cefaleia

Programa em atualização

2 de dezembro > Sábado

9h00-11h00Dra. Sofia Karapataki (Patrocinador: Patent)Zirconia implants: a metal-free solution for replacement of missing teeth+
11h30-12h30Dra. Joana Landeiro (Patrocinador: 2MPharma)Inflammation - A major challenge in Regenerative Medicine+
12h30-14h00Josepa RigauFocused action of low-dose immunotherapy to slow down immune senescence
14h00-15h00Dr. Siddharta Popat (Patrocinador: Commit)Unleashing Energy: Spotlight on Mitochondrial Therapies, Transforming Fatigue to Vitality+
15h00-16h00Dr. Joel Portugal, Dr Perko and Dr. Mariano Bueno (Patrocinador: Papimi)Exploring Cellular Potentials: Ion-Induction-Therapy in Integrative Medicine+
16h00-17h00Dr. Johann Lechner (Patrocinador: Cavitau)How to cure chronic immune cases? – Your success in Integrative Dentistry by new enoral Ultrasonography and Jawbone Detox+
17h00-18h00Dr. Iván Simón Gómez (Patrocinador: Hifas da Terra)New developments in the treatment of SIBO and detoxification. What is the role of medicinal mushrooms?

Programa em atualização